The Niger River is one of the rivers that flow in the interior so it is use for trades and transport.
Even though Mali is a big country Mali has small relatives.
Mali has three precolonial Sudanic place that are called Ghana, Mali and Songhai.
Mail is in between countries called Algeria on the north, Niger and Burkina Faso on the east, the south is Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea, the west is Senegal and Mauritania.
Mali is in a hot a dry climate with the sun in the zenith zone.
The dry season last from November all the way to June and the rainy season last from June to October.
Mali has multiple agricultural groups.
There is one tribe called the Fulani(Fulbe) who were traditionally nomadic pastoralists of the Sahel.
There's multiple language for Mali one called French and the others of Mande language that are called Bambara, Malinke, Khasonke, Wasulunka, and Soninke.