
  • Mali is a landlocked country.

  • The Niger River is one of the rivers that flow in the interior so it is use for trades and transport.

  • Even though Mali is a big country Mali has small relatives.

  • Mali has three precolonial Sudanic place that are called Ghana, Mali and Songhai.

  • Mail is in between countries called Algeria on the north, Niger and Burkina Faso on the east, the south is Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea, the west is Senegal and Mauritania.

  • Mali is in a hot a dry climate with the sun in the zenith zone.

  • The dry season last from November all the way to June and the rainy season last from June to October.

  • Mali has multiple agricultural groups.

  • There is one tribe called the Fulani(Fulbe) who were traditionally nomadic pastoralists of the Sahel.

  • There's multiple language for Mali one called French and the others of Mande language that are called Bambara, Malinke, Khasonke, Wasulunka, and Soninke.