About Us

We made this page to help homeless people that are in the streets. In May 2020, there were 59,308 homeless people, including 13,523 homeless families with 20,044 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system. Families make up more than two-thirds of the homeless shelter population.There are an estimated 553,742 people in the United States experiencing homelessness on a given night, according to the most recent national point-in-time estimate (January 2017). This represents a rate of approximately 17 people experiencing homelessness per every 10,000 people in the general population. So, we wanted to help homeless people by making this page, everytime you buy something part of that money is going to homeless people shelters. We thought of this because as we said there is a lot of homeless people in the world with no shelter, no food, or anything and we want to help them.

-John Polonia, Makai Parker, Marisol Angulo, Christopher Cartagena and