Anxiety can create physical pain for people in places like their back and their head. Anxiety can also cause different kind of symptoms that include increasing of your heart rate, rapid sweating, and have an impact on the functionality of your muscular system. Alongside that anxiety can make seamingly normal situations feel increadibly dangerous.
Depression can cause sadness,and make you lose interrest in activitys you used to loved. Depression can also cause changes in appetite, and changes in your sleeeping paterns which leads to fatiuge. Along with that it can also cause how you function in your daily life, such as socializig less and being less responsible.
Anger can lead to many things such as agrresion and the way you act. Anger can potentially lead to a risk of somone getting hurt. With this amount of anger it can lead to resulting in conflicts and emotional distress. Anger is both the cause and the result of violence making it increadibly dangerous.
>InsecurityInsecurity can lead you to a path of low self-esteem. Insecruity can aslo take you to a world of impact confidence and decision-making. It also leads to jealousy, dependence, or difficulties in communication.
Disability can lead to a path of you not being physical and being emotional. Disability can also lead to a lack of economics and socializig, which includes limtid job oppertunitys,and increased financial strain. Disability can take you to a world where your attitude changes, wich can affect your your quallity.