Hello everyone! This is our website, called Mentally Assured. This is a website for mental illnesses and how to deal with them.

Here is some personal information about the creators of the website, such as our birthdays and ages.


Birthday: June 22 2010

Age: 13

Favorite Color: Pink

From: The Bronx

Fun Fact: Studied ballet for 5 years


Birthday: April 29 2012

Age: 11

Favorite Colors: White,Green,purple

From: The Bronx

Fun Fact: Oldest out of 3 kids


Birthday: April 2 2011

Age: 12

Favorite Colors: Blue and purple

From: The Bronx

Fun Fact: Can't speak Spanish even though she is from Mexico

Things In Common:

All like horror movies

All from Mexico

All have more than 1 sibling

All like sour foods


Why Did We Choose Mental Health?

We chose mental health because we think that this website would help those who are seeking solutions for mental problems and for those who need to be treated immediately.

Who is this helpful for?

This is helpful for people who need help improving their mental health such as with drug use, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Things like these can lead to events such as ending up in the hospital or even death. We hope that this website helps those who are going through hard times. We want people to know that what they are doing is wrong and that it can cost them their life and result in disasterous long-term consequences.

Misson Statement

Our team consists of three members who are passionate about creating a website to raise awareness about mental health issues. We believe that mental health is an important aspect of life that is not taken too seriously in our society. We hope that this website helps people understand the importance of mental health and provide them with useful resources and support.

Numbers To Call:





Drug Use:
