- Why are these things listed above these texts affecting the earth? These things affect the earth because more and more animals are dying each day due to polution and not
enough food, making humans also be in danger. even if animals avoid the plastic they can still also be in danger because plastic can break down into smaller particles like
the size of an atom, making them go into their blood and get sick, Many people have tried to help stop pollution but now there is more pollution than stopping polution
because of peoples carelessness for humanity and the ocean which means the earth will kinda be doomed later in the future because if we continue to leave trash and burn
fossil fuels and spill more oil, the ocean will be unable to be in use and will be dirty because of the amount of trash in the ocean.
-Like this bear above, animals barley have anything to eat anymore because people keep burning and chopping down trees which makes a handful of animals die since they
don't have homes anymore or the fire burned their homes and also their families. Human activity has affected the earth for so long to the point where even technology won't
be able to save it because each day over 60 pounds of trash are thrown into the ocean or the ground and by the time technology has advnaced there will be over 8.1 billion of
trash in our earth, this is called pollution, this is helps climate change how? Well pollution emits greenhouse gasses too, this leads the Ozone layer to open which is bad
because the Ozone layer helps UV rayes to come into Earth.
-Burning fossil fuels is important because in order for us to get heat and energy we have to burn fossil fuels, but that's exactly why this is the biggest effect
for causing climate change. Fossil fuels are made out of decomposed plants and animals which if burned causes the release of Nitrogen Oxide and Carbon
Dioxide which then builds up in our atmosphere, an essential part of our planet for us to live. If more and more of these greenhouse gases keep building in
our atmosphere there is a very high chance for Earth to turn out like Venus or even Mars at some point if this problems isn't solved.