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Reasons Behind Our Project

The Purpose

What Is this Project For?

• . JSMX's Project is for bringing awareness to people about AI having multiple benefits but some disadvantages.
We explain what is AI, The Risks of AI and effects. We believe even if AI might be helpful,
there are things we might not know what are coming in the future. Yes, we aren't future tellers
but who knows what will really happen if AI replaces jobs.

Why This Topic?

• . We picked this topic because ever since AI has been annouced that
they will replace peoples jobs and many more reasons that you heard about
in Risks and Information, as well as the Effects.

Who are we, actually?

We are JSMX - Joshua, Steven, Mirtha, and Xena. Our TA, who helped us with the project
Is Jason. We took our time making this project, working on each different pages.
We used google to research and find the
answer to our questions, for our information, images, find tutorials for how to
do certain things on CSS/style and etc.

Our Team Members - Credits
Steven C - Homepage & Information
Joshua P - Risks
Xena C - Effects
Mirtha G - About Us
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